Decide to lose weight permanently.
With Hypnotherapy, you allow your subconscious mind to release, resolve and heal weight issues. It's not about only the food; it's about eating behaviors we've learned in childhood that dictate the way we deal with our life and stuff our emotions with food. We eat when we're , anxious, nervous, bored, stressed, hyperactive, sad, lonely, frustrated, afraid, even when we're happy.
Learn how cutting the cords to emotional eating through hypnosis will relieve you from these ties as well as release the weight. By tuning into yourself, you will discover why you eat and learn how to release your attachment to unhealthy foods and unhealthy eating habits.
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The majority of people have thoughts running simultaneously, you are constantly giving yourself contradictory instructions--such as: "I want to lose weight" and "I want that delicious piece of pie." Or "I want to lose weight." and "One little piece of chocolate won't hurt." You can immediately recognize the contradiction--those statements are going in different directions. These contradictory messages prompt your unconscious mind to disregard what you consciously deserve. In other words, you canceled out your own request.
However, there is a more subtle yet more powerful self-defeating message--"I want to___" The statement, "I want to___, sets up a sense of longing--thus setting up a path of continuing the status quo. The statement--I lose weight effortlessly and easily--gives not only a message of conviction, but the end result--weight loss effortlessly and easily.
For your unconscious mind to be successful at things that seem impossible, those inappropriate unconscious patterns need to be changed into new habits that enhance your ability to get what you deserve.
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The good news is--you can stop the contradictory messages. You can learn two simple three-step processes that will put an end to the mental self-sabotage that has been holding you back. You can give your unconscious mind exactly what it needs to help you achieve what you consciously deserve.